What are corals?
the corals are cnidarians forming marine colonies. There are sea creatures, however can’t move. There is a lot of different groups of corals, which belong to the cnidarians but are not closely related to each other. They have no face, arms or legs, but are made up of individual animals called polyps. A polyp consists of a stomach surrounded by tentacles. There is a mouth in the middle. you live in symbiosis with small algae. These also give them the bright colors. A distinction is made between hard and soft corals.
stone coral
hard coral are the most species-rich animals on earth And primarily responsible for the formation of coral reefs. They have a calcareous skeleton and the ability to deposit lime, thereby forming new reefs. Hard corals are colonies of thousands of individual polyps.
Are known 18 families with over 100 genera. Each genus has a different number of species, including are well over 2500 known species. The most species-rich genera are the Montipora with over 70 and the Acropora with over 180 species.
Hard corals are divided into SPS – small polyps – and LPS – large polyp species. SPS are more demanding than large polyp stony corals. LPS mostly needs less light and less current.
The soft coral
Unlike hard coral, soft corals do not have a strong skeleton. You belong to the eight ray flower animals.
There are 3 differences:
- soft body
- Hard and prickly body because it has calcareous needles
- Soft but stable body
As the name suggests, soft coral does not necessarily mean that it is soft. A good example here is the organ coral. Soft corals are great for beginners as they are very tolerant of water fluctuations.
How do corals grow/reproduce in marine aquaria?
Corals can reproduce in a variety of ways in a saltwater aquarium:
- bud formation. This creates new small polyps, as in the zodiac anemone.
- Division, as in the disc anemone, which can divide into 2 independent discs.
In addition, all species grow at different speeds. Location, light, current and food supply also play a role.
What do corals eat in a saltwater aquarium?
The different types of corals also require different food. There are kinds that more zooxanthellae of light live, species that food active live and species that live on light and feed.
Most important of all is a perfect lighting and the right flux, so that each polyp gets something. Additional feeding is only needed for very few corals. However, each polyp is capable of absorbing food. They are fed with plankton, Artemia, Mysis and much more. There are also various ready-to-use food mixes in powder and granular form for large polyps. The food is beautiful to look at, the tentacles carry the food to the mouth, and the polyp often closes completely.
Place the corals in the saltwater aquarium
Each species of coral has further requirements on the perfect place in the aquarium. When purchasing, always seek advice on the preferred placement of the selected coral. Some coral, like the Acropora, are sun-hungry, disc anemones generally feel more comfortable in the lower zone. Soft coral are more resistant to stronger currents. Then there are corals that prefer to be placed individually because of the fighting tentacles, others get along well and can be put together. Some corals reproduce so abundantly that it is better to put them on their own rock so as not to invade the whole reef. Others live in caves, darkened. Others are used to it and like the place, others don’t like it at all, so they have to be set up. As you can see, there’s a lot to consider.
Advice: In my own experience, there is also a species that your aquarium does not like at all. Please put them back and try again in a few months, maybe your tank was too cool.
coral poison
As mentioned earlier, corals are cnidarians. It means there are stinging cells on the tentacles. The poison inside is given in case of danger. There are also fish that are not afraid of this poison, the Clown fish. Therefore, it is allowed to use these corals as a refuge. There are corals with higher and lower poison percentages and different poison strengths. The beautiful anemones of the zodiac are a perfect example. There are so many genres, one genre is Palythoas. They contain the powerful toxin palytoxin. Even today, aquarists are all too often poisoned due to improper handling. Also Caution is advised for allergy sufferers!
Besides the most important water parameters and trace elements, which you need to constantly monitor, you can also provide your corals with other additives. For example, vitamins, amino acids and a high quality coral food. It is also advisable when buying new corals to soak them before inserting them. The coral is strengthened and unwanted microorganisms are killed.
nature reserve
You may have noticed that reefs due to global warming threat are. Even through us humans, by the massive removal of rocks, corals and fish, we are certainly not helping the seas to recover. If you choose a saltwater aquarium, be careful sustainability. Many corals can be super high, taking it from nature is not necessary.
Shaka Animal Studio, Jacky and Tobi. Jacky had been fascinated by reptiles for a long time. She has been raising reptiles of all kinds for more than 15 years, she is an animal caretaker and zootherapist by training. She has experience working in zoos and veterinarians. Tobi is a photographer and passionate about the animal world since his childhood. The underwater worlds are his heart, which he has ruled for many years. Over time, a private zoo has developed at home, which they lovingly care for every day and visit regularly. introduce youtube channel